After a summer of faffing we eventually commissioned Neville Francis to do the work on the roof that we got a quote for about five months ago.
So we’ve two builders (I’ve not met them, but Islay speaks highly of them) who are conducting various roof improvements. The major job was to replace the lead work on the dormers, and judging from the incredibly rotten wood shards littering the lawn, not a moment too soon. They’ve extended their work to pretty much rebuilding the dormers. As I write the lead work is done and the windows await the render.
They’ve also done some nice neat leadwork above the porch, and coming up this week (weather permitting) they’ll be repairing slipped tiles, replacing the top courses on the chimney and adding some chimney pots.
It’s surprising how much the house is improved simply by tidying up the dormer windows, and I’m convinced that the inside of the dormer is less damp than it was before. It’s also satisfying to have some serious work started now. We’ve booked them in to do the insulation refurbishment in a month or so, and that’s the big and hairy job.